Monday, May 19, 2008

#36 Games and Gaming

Let me begin by saying that I love playing games on the inter-net, but I have only played puzzle games. This module has been a new experience. I did explore Runscape and did manage to complete the turorial. I found it to be a bit confusing and fun at the same time. I really enjoyed creating my character, but was unable (after several attempts) to post a screen shot to my blog. There didn't seem to be a place to view your character so that it could be viewed.

I also tried Chore Wars briefly and was able to create an avatar her name is Dustie.
They did not have a lot of options to create something new and different. I plan on playing that more to see how far I can get with the gardening and of course the dusting, which happens to me my least favorite chore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, the site i was talking about where I made the extra $800 a month was at This Site