Friday, January 8, 2010

#75: Google and Beyond

I do think this will affect how I search in the future, even though the search for my 3rd choice was almost identical (Google & Yahoo). I was very surprised to see that all three of my queries ended up being Yahoo!, when the one I use most of the time is Google. I think I will try it again with three more queries, just to see if it comes out the same. Got me curious, now!!!

The #1 search engine on Hitwise (week ending 01/02/10) was @ 72.25%. I did not find that to be surprising because I find that Google is very user friendly.

After, exploring the three different search engines I found that my favorite is still Google. I also discovered that they have a place called Sport Scores, all you have to do is put in the name of your favorite team and it brings up all the scores (my husband and I are big pro-football fans). BUT........ my biggest discovery was a place called Fill In The Blank. With this you can ask any question and then by adding an asterisk in the blank part of the question it will give you the answer to your question. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

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